Incident Management

Streamline your response to incidents to resolve and conclude faster

incident management solution for slack

Lightweight incident management solution in Slack

Use Conclude Apps to streamline your incident management directly from Slack.

Capture relevant data, set the severity level, assign a lead and engage the right people inside a dedicated channel.

Streamline your processes with no-code apps

Manage all types of incidents and issues. Integrates with Jira Cloud

What our customers say

“Conclude has dramatically changed how we respond to and track customer-facing outages and other incidents. Now we can instantly create focused, cross-team channels for each incident, which are branched off our main incident channel.

This branching allows the 330+ people on our main channel to easily see if an incident is being worked on and where to get more details. Dedicated incident channels also allow us to keep the main channel conversation clear and focused on new alerts, while helping with incident tracking, root cause analysis, and documentation.

As well as speeding up our response time, each channel captures an incident’s discussion and any relevant files in one location, making it even easier to reference them in Jira tickets and wiki pages.”

Patsy Ames, Technology Service Manager, Cengage

Data-driven insights for better analysis

Visit the Dashboard to see insights at a glance. Filter by time periods and select different visualization types, including the number of incidents, severity levels, response, and resolution times.

Run incident retrospectives and postmortems

Inactivity timer to stay on top of incidents

The inactivity timer sends reminders to an activity channel if there have been no comments during a specific time period.

Reduce delays and shorten incident resolution times. Configurable to your organization’s preferences.

Information is archived but never lost

Data from each incident is captured in a dedicated activity channel. Once the incident is concluded, it is archived.

A record record of the incident is recorded permanently in the Dashboard so you never lose track of important information.

Get started with Conclude in six steps

Create a timeline to understand the main cause of the problem and what actions were taken. Detect trends and anomalies for continuous improvement and communicate insights with key stakeholders.

1 - Install the app in your incidents Slack channel

2 - Create a new incident and add some details

3 - Set the severity level and assign an owner

4 - Invite people to view the dedicated channel

5 - Communicate updates to different stakeholders

6 - Respond. Resolve. Conclude.

Connect. Collaborate. Conclude