Select Attributes

A select attribute lets the user choose an option from a list of up to 100 options.

  - name: status
    type: select
    label: Dev tasks status
      - name: not_started
        label: "πŸ€” Not Started"
      - name: in_progress
        label: "πŸƒIn Progress"
      - name: completed
        label: "βœ… Completed"

Set multiSelect to true to create a select attribute where the user can choose multiple options.

  - name: areasAffected
    type: select
    label: Areas affected
    multiSelect: true
      - name: network
        label: Network infrastructure
      - name: database
        label: Database server
      - name: business
        label: Business processes

Option filters

You can use option filters to build dynamic select attributes, where the list of options depends on another setting. This is used by the Jira connector to create an Issue status attribute which depends on Issue type.

Here is a jira_type attribute that can be either a task or a bug. It is read-only, which means that it cannot be changed after an activity has been created:

  - name: jira_type
    type: select
    label: Issue type
    mandatory: true
    readonly: true
     - name: task
       label: Task
     - name: bug
       label: Bug

The jira_status attribute depends on the type of issue. If the issue type is a task, the options are: To Do, In Progress and Done. If the issue type is a bug, there will be an additional option In Progress.

- name: jira_status
   type: select
   label: Status
    - name: to_do
      label: To Do
    - name: in_review
      label: In Review
      filter: jira_type == bug
    - name: in_progress
      label: In Progress
    - name: done
      label: Done

There are two ways to create a filter:

  • attribute == value, or
  • attribute in [value1, value2, ...]

Here is an example using the second form.

- name: jira_status
   type: select
   label: Status
    - name: to_do
      label: To Do
      filter: jira_type in [task,bug,epic]
    - name: in_review
      label: In Review
      filter: jira_type in [bug]
    - name: in_progress
      label: In Progress
      filter: jira_type in [task,bug]
    - name: done
      label: Done
      filter: jira_type in [task,bug,epic]

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