Send email with a trigger

Note: The email functionality described here requires a SendGrid account. You will also need to register your secret email API key with Conclude. Conclude needs this key in order to send email on your behalf.

If you don’t have a SendGrid account:

  1. Sign up for a SendGrid account at
  2. Create and take note of the email API key:

Important: In order to send email, you will need to register the email API keys with your app by using the /c app secrets commands. Read more about secrets here.

You can use triggers to send email messages to multiple recipients. Inside the trigger, create an email object with these fields:

  • replyTo: A reply-to address (optional).
  • from: From header field.
  • to: Recipients.
  • cc: Cc field.
  • bcc: Bcc field.
  • subject: Subject line.
  • body: Email body. The text may contain macros and newlines (\n).
  • log (boolean): Set log to true to record information about emails that were sent. Default false.
  • logBody (boolean): Set logBody to true to log the message body that was sent. Default false.

The example sends an escalation email to two people.

  name: escalate
  type: button
  label: Escalate!
      from: ""
      to: ","
      subject: Escalation
      body: "We hit a problem:\n${body}"

You can also send email to people inside your Slack workspace, where Conclude will look up email addresses from Slack users, channel members, and user group members.

    from: ""
    to: "#dev, @product"

Connect. Collaborate. Conclude