Slack Permissions

Slack bot token scopes

These scopes govern what the Conclude app can access in Slack.

OAuth ScopeDescriptionUse Case
app_mentions:readView messages that directly mention @Conclude in conversationsAllows users to interact with our app and ask it for help
bookmarks:readList bookmarksConclude needs this permission to check whether a bookmark to the Conclude Dashboard exists before adding it
bookmarks:writeCreate, edit and remove bookmarksConclude needs this permission to create bookmarks in activity channels, so information can be found more easily
channels:historyView messages and other content in public channels that Conclude has been added toTo deliver messages and other content to Microsoft Teams
channels:manageManage public channels that Conclude has been added to and create new onesTo create channels for users
channels:readView basic information about public channels in a workspaceTo track Slack membership and keep the membership of the larger channel up to date
chat:writeSend messages as @ConcludeSend messages as @Conclude to channels and chats
chat:write:customizeSend messages as @Conclude with a customized username and avatarAllows Conclude to send messages on behalf of users that do not have a Slack account
chat:write:publicSend messages to channels that @Conclude is not a member ofAllows notifications to be sent to another channel
commandsAdd shortcuts and/or slash commands that people can useUsers can create channels, invite new users, ask for help, and see all members of a synced channel
dnd:readView Do Not Disturb (DnD) settings for people in a workspaceAvoids sending alerts to people with DnD set to true
files:readView files shared in channels and conversations that Conclude has been added toPost files across chat platforms
files:writeUpload, edit, and delete files as ConcludePost files from users on other chat platforms that are members of the connected channel
groups:historyView messages and other content in private channels that Conclude has been added toTo deliver messages and other content from private Slack channels to private channels in Microsoft Teams
groups:readView basic information about private channels that Conclude has been added toTo track Slack membership and help keep the membership of the larger connected channel updated
groups:writeManage private channels that Conclude has been added to and create new onesTo post messages from other chat platforms into private Slack channels
im:historyView messages and other content in direct messages that Conclude has been added toTo interact with users via direct message
im:readView basic information about direct messages that Conclude has been added toTo better understand the user when interacting with the app in a direct message
pins:readView pinned content in channels and conversations that Conclude has been added toWe pin certain header messages in channels, so users can easily see that this is a connected channel/chat
pins:writeAdd and remove pinned messages and filesWe pin certain header messages in channels so users can easily see that this is a connected channel/chat
reactions:readView emoji reactions and their associated content in channels and conversations that Conclude has been added toTo enable reactions from Slack to be seen by users on Microsoft Teams
reactions:writeAdd and edit emoji reactionsTo add and/or edit emojis that are used by users in other chat platforms that are members of the connected channel
team:readView the name, email domain, and icon, for workspaces that Conclude is connected toSee a list of team members
usergroups:readView user groups in a workspaceEnables groups to be added to a chat/channel
users.profile:readView profile details about people in a workspaceRead names and avatars of people
users:readView people in a workspaceTo identify the user that has OAuthed the Conclude app
users:read.emailView email addresses of people in a workspaceTo make users unique and avoid conflicts if a user has more than one universal email across multiple workspaces
users:writeSet presence for ConcludeSet the presence for Conclude, so the team knows Conclude is available

Slack user token scopes

These scopes access user data on behalf of users that authorize them.

OAuth ScopeDescriptionUse Case
channels:readView basic information about public channels in a workspaceList of channels
channels:writeManage a user’s public channels and create new ones on their behalfPost messages to Slack channels that are sent from Microsoft Teams
chat:writeSend messages on a user’s behalfPost direct messages to Slack when sent from Microsoft Teams
emailView a user’s email addressEmail addresses are used to match users in connected channels
groups:readView basic information about a user’s private channelsTo track Slack membership and help keep the membership of the larger connected channel up to date
groups:writeManage a user’s private channels and create new ones on a their behalfTo post messages from other chat platforms into private Slack channels
openidView information about a user’s identityUsed for signing into Conclude
profileView a user’s Slack avatar and basic information in a Slack workspaceReceive basic info about a user when they sign into Conclude

For any additional information, visit our Security page.

Connect. Collaborate. Conclude