Microsoft Teams RSC scopes requested by Conclude to connect platforms
Note: Resource Specific Context (RSC) permissions are always limited to the Channel or Chat where Conclude is installed. If Conclude is not installed in a certain team/chat, it won’t be able to read/write any data there.
Scope | Description | Use case |
ChannelSettings.ReadWrite.Group | Retrieve and modify channel information | Allows Conclude to list and modify channels in a team |
Channel.Create.Group | Create channels | Allows Conclude to create new channels in a team |
ChannelMessage.Read.Group | Read all channel messages | Allows Conclude to read all channel messages in a team |
ChatMessage.Read.Chat | Read all chat messages | Allows Conclude to read all messages in a chat |
ChatMember.Read.Chat | Add and remove members from a chat | Allows Conclude to add new members to an existing direct message or group chat |
ChatSettings.ReadWrite.Chat | Read and write settings for a chat | Allows Conclude to read and write settings for a chat (e.g. topics) |
Chat.Manage.Chat | Manage a chat | Allows Conclude to add and remove members from a chat |
TeamMember.Read.Group | List all members in a team | Allows Conclude to list all members in a team |
Microsoft Teams delegated scopes requested by Conclude for User Sync
Scope | Description | Use case |
AppCatalog.Read.All | Read all app catalogs | Allows Conclude to check if the application is installed in the app catalog |
Chat.ReadWrite | Create chats and read/write messages in chats | Allows Conclude to create new direct messages, s group chats, and read/edit messages |
Channel.Create | Create channels | Allows Conclude to create channels in selected Teams |
ChannelMessage.ReadWrite | Read and write user channel messages | Allows Conclude to edit and soft delete messages in channels |
ChannelMessage.Read.All | Read all messages in a channel | Legacy scope, to be removed and replaced with RSC permission |
ChannelMessage.Send | Send messages to a channel on behalf of a user | Allows Conclude to send messages to a Teams channel on behalf of the user |
ChannelMember.ReadWrite.All | Add and remove members from all channels | Allows Conclude to list the members of a channel and add new members |
ChannelSettings.ReadWrite.All | List channels in team and modify their settings | List channels and set topics for channels |
Files.ReadWrite.All | Have full access to user files | Allows Conclude to upload a file on behalf of the signed in user and send an invitation to another user |
Team.ReadBasic.All | Read the names and descriptions of teams | Allows Conclude to get a list of joined Teams for the signed in user |
TeamMember.Read.All | Read members of teams | Allows Conclude to list all members of a team |
TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteAndConsentSelfForChat | Allow Conclude to install itself into a Chat | Installing Conclude into a Chat makes it possible to subscribe for messages in that chat and post messages |
TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteAndConsentSelfForChat | Allow Conclude to install itself into a Team | Installing Conclude into a Team makes it possible to subscribe for messages in that team and post messages |
User.ReadBasic.All | Read basic info about all users | Allows Conclude to access basic information about all users. This includes their name and profile picture |
User.Read | Sign in and read user profile | Allows Conclude to access the signed in user’s profile for identification purposes |
offline_access | Maintain access to data you have given it access to | Allows Conclude to keep the access token refreshed after successful authentication |
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