Microsoft Teams Permissions

Microsoft Teams RSC scopes requested by Conclude to connect platforms

Note: Resource Specific Context (RSC) permissions are always limited to the Channel or Chat where Conclude is installed. If Conclude is not installed in a certain team/chat, it won’t be able to read/write any data there.

ScopeDescriptionUse case
ChannelSettings.ReadWrite.GroupRetrieve and modify channel informationAllows Conclude to list and modify channels in a team
Channel.Create.GroupCreate channelsAllows Conclude to create new channels in a team
ChannelMessage.Read.GroupRead all channel messagesAllows Conclude to read all channel messages in a team
ChatMessage.Read.ChatRead all chat messagesAllows Conclude to read all messages in a chat
ChatMember.Read.ChatAdd and remove members from a chatAllows Conclude to add new members to an existing direct message or group chat
ChatSettings.ReadWrite.ChatRead and write settings for a chatAllows Conclude to read and write settings for a chat (e.g. topics)
Chat.Manage.ChatManage a chatAllows Conclude to add and remove members from a chat
TeamMember.Read.GroupList all members in a teamAllows Conclude to list all members in a team


Microsoft Teams delegated scopes requested by Conclude for User Sync

ScopeDescriptionUse case
AppCatalog.Read.AllRead all app catalogsAllows Conclude to check if the application is installed in the app catalog
Chat.ReadWriteCreate chats and read/write messages in chatsAllows Conclude to create new direct messages, s group chats, and read/edit messages
Channel.CreateCreate channelsAllows Conclude to create channels in selected Teams
ChannelMessage.ReadWriteRead and write user channel messagesAllows Conclude to edit and soft delete messages in channels
ChannelMessage.Read.AllRead all messages in a channelLegacy scope, to be removed and replaced with RSC permission
ChannelMessage.SendSend messages to a channel on behalf of a userAllows Conclude to send messages to a Teams channel on behalf of the user
ChannelMember.ReadWrite.AllAdd and remove members from all channelsAllows Conclude to list the members of a channel and add new members
ChannelSettings.ReadWrite.AllList channels in team and modify their settingsList channels and set topics for channels
Files.ReadWrite.AllHave full access to user filesAllows Conclude to upload a file on behalf of the signed in user and send an invitation to another user
Team.ReadBasic.AllRead the names and descriptions of teamsAllows Conclude to get a list of joined Teams for the signed in user
TeamMember.Read.AllRead members of teamsAllows Conclude to list all members of a team

Allow Conclude to install itself into a ChatInstalling Conclude into a Chat makes it possible to subscribe for messages in that chat and post messages
TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteAndConsentSelfForChatAllow Conclude to install itself into a TeamInstalling Conclude into a Team makes it possible to subscribe for messages in that team and post messages
User.ReadBasic.AllRead basic info about all usersAllows Conclude to access basic information about all users. This includes their name and profile picture
User.ReadSign in and read user profileAllows Conclude to access the signed in user’s profile for identification purposes
offline_accessMaintain access to data you have given it access toAllows Conclude to keep the access token refreshed after successful authentication

For any additional information, visit our Security page.

Connect. Collaborate. Conclude