General Settings

Basic settings for the app

App label

The app label is a short text describing the app, and used when presenting information about an app or an activity.

Name of app

By default, the app name is set to the channel where the app was installed, but you can change it later. Instead of launching an app from the Conclude Home > Apps you can type the command: /c <app-name>

Apps must have unique names.

App description

The description is a longer text that explains the purpose of the app. It’s used on the Apps page.


The icon can be one of: approval, bug, decision, generic, helpdesk, incident, minimal, none, or support.

Who has access

The two choices are:

  • Everyone on the team.
  • Members of the channel where the app is installed.

This is the type setting in the YAML source.

Name your activity

Enter the subject name for an activity, for example, incident, bug, support ticket, etc.

This is the subject setting in the YAML source.

Channel name convention

This dropdown menu lets you control how Conclude will name Slack channels when creating new activities:

  • Year, month, day and title
  • Month, day and title
  • Sequential numbering

This is the channelName setting in the YAML source.

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